Friday, May 15, 2009

Been Away...

I've been away for awhile, I know. Just haven't really felt like writing...not in a funk or anything, just didn't feel like it.

But I'm back. :0) And, as you probably already know, I find men to be very interesting. Especially one in particular that I've written about before. My "crush". Well, I've cooled on him as of recent. Why? Because I felt like I was making more of an effort to stay in touch than he was. Really, would it kill you to email me once in a while? How about an IM once in a blue moon. I'm just sayin'...

Well, curiously enough, last week I sent him an email asking about his religious beliefs. I figured I would use this info to once and for all justify whether I should be thinking about him at all (I am very spiritual and wish to have someone who I can be equally yoked with. ON THIS I WILL NOT YIELD! He answered in a very neutral, non-judgmental, non-committal way. I really didn't know how to take it and this frustrated me even more because my plan had not worked; he seemed pliable, almost like he would be willing to match my spiritual sensibilities... UGH! So, I decided to make a clean mental break anyway. Need to move on... no more vacillating. Well, do you know that as soon as I made up my mind on this he SENT ME A FRIEND INVITE on a popular social board (I think I mentioned this before that we are both members). A little background: I knew he was on there because I checked, but I also knew that he knew I was on there, too. Call it woman's intuition. Call it whatever, BUT I KNEW!! And this was ultimately confirmed when I got his invite. He didn't ask me first whether I was on there, he just sent it to me. Ah-ha!

Did I accept? Yes, I did. But I haven't stalked him. No, seriously, I haven't. Oh, sure, I've seen his pics, even those with his "girlfriend". Oh, yes - did I tell you? He has one now. I don't care. Hmm... do you think that's why he wanted to be friends? To gloat? To sort of say, "Look at what you're missing out on"? I dunno. I don't know what there's to gloat about. She's average. Nice boobs and skin, but nothing to scream from the hilltops about. Just sayin'...

Oh, boy... when will men stop playin these female games? Anywho, I'll fill you in as more happens.

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