Monday, September 24, 2018

The Comeback Kid

First I had to get my bearings after taking the big step of moving from one place to a totally different place.  Then, not long after, my laptop's battery pretty much imploded, causing it to herniate from its underside and render it useless.  My trusty camera - old, but faithful - started to glitch (I have no idea of its status right now since, out of tremendous frustration, I haven't picked it up in months).   My phone - the alternate source of my picture taking and alike - was having memory issues and had grown senile in its recall of data and temperamental in its diminishing use of space.  In between there's been some other mishaps and one-caboose train wrecks... and then, of course, my health got wonky.

But just as soon as I was ready to take a timeout from everything, something happened.  Well, some things happened.  I got a huge gale in my sails and started to right the ship.  I have comfortably nested in my new place (well, I have a few more things to tend to, but I'm almost there!); my friend has loaned me their laptop until I replace mine (yay!); new phone (yippee!) and new camera (coming...).  And best of all, I FEEL BETTER!  My energy bar is flashing green - hovering around 80% - and I'm working hard towards my goal of 100.

So what does all of this mean?  Well, I'm back!  Umm... I guess I shouldn't say I'm back because I never really left.  But I got my mojo back.  Yeah, that's more accurate.  My mojo is back and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things, including my writing and other creative pursuits.  I have officially turned the proverbial corner.  I am starting to feel like my old self again.  And guess what, y'all?  It feels darn GOOD!  #ComebackKid  #WINNING

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